Last updated August 12, 2024

St. Clare’s Medical Center, Inc. (SCMC) respects and values the rights of all individuals and is committed to handling personal data/information responsibly and in accordance with Republic Act 10173, know as the Data Privacy Act (DPA) of 2012, its Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR), and guidelines issued by the National Privacy Commission.

Collection of Personal Data

In the ordinary course of business, St. Clare’s Medical Center, Inc. (SCMC) collects the following data:

1.) Personal details – name, birth, gender, civil status and affiliations;
2.) Contact information – address, e-mail, mobile and telephone numbers;
3.) Medical information – physical, psychiatric and psychological information;
4.) Employment information – government-issued numbers, position and functions;
5.) Applicant information – academic background and previous employments;
6.) Supplier and 3rd Party Provider information – company profile, DTI/SEC registration, business permits and licenses, BIR registration and other business related information. SCMC may likewise collect other information that it
believes are relevant to meet the requirements of government authorities and for any other legitimate purposes.

Use of Personal Data


SCMC processes data to:
1.) Conduct its functions, performs its obligations and exercise its rights as a healthcare service provider;
2.) Act for the holistic welfare of patients, service recipients and their respective representatives and companions; and,
3.) Manage its affairs as a company and medical institution with its own obligations and rights.

SCMC collects Personal Data through submission by the Data Subject and by affiliates through electronic systems and platforms, e-forms, email, or through printed forms, attachments, and other documents required by its medical and administrative offices at the onset of service, transaction or processing. With regard to personal data from affiliates, SCMC maintains a Data Sharing Agreement particularizing the obligations of the parties thereto foremost of which is its protection and privacy.

SCMC collects Personal Data from Patients at entry points or upon registration at Inpatient, Outpatient and ER Departments.

SCMC collects and uses Personal Data proportionately as necessary for its legitimate purposes in providing best service to patients in accordance with the SCMC policies and in compliance with the Data Privacy Act of 2012 and requirements of the Department of Health and other government bodies.

SCMC retains data in accordance with its policies on retention compliant to government rules and regulations, such as but not limited to, those from the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR), the Department of Health (DOH), the Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (Philhealth), the Local Government Units (LGUs), among others.

Non-Disclosure of Personal Data

St. Clare’s Medical Center, Inc. will not disclose personal information without consent from the Data Subject or in any circumstance not authorized by law or any valid order of court or government agencies.

Security of Personal Data

St. Clare’s Medical Center, Inc. implements appropriate organizational, physical, and technical measures to maintain the confidentiality, integrity and availability of personal information. Our employees from the medical and administrative offices are well-trained to handle the personal information with utmost confidentiality.

Data Privacy Rights

St. Clare’s Medical Center, Inc. values the rights of the Data Subject under the DPA of 2012, such as but not limited to, the right to access, rectify, delete, obtain a copy of the personal information provided to us, and object to further processing of personal information.

Contact: inquiries and concerns on data privacy may be directed to SCMC Data Protection Office.

Address: 1838 Dian Street, Palanan, Makati

Seal of Registration

NPC SEAL, St. Clare's Medical Center, Inc.

We Value Your Privacy

This is to certify that St. Clare’s Medical Center, Inc. has duly complied with the registration requirement of the Data Privacy Act of 2012.

Effective until April 14, 2025.

NPC SEAL, St. Clare's Medical Center, Inc.

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