Surgery: Experience surgical excellence with our skilled surgeons, committed to delivering safe and effective procedures for optimal outcomes.
Dr. Genaro Chan
Department Head of General Surgeon / Chief of Clinics
Tuesday 9-11 am
Friday 1-3 pm
Contact Person: Bamba (0929 006 3428)
Tuesday / Thursday 4-6 pm
Contact Person: Emily (0927 471 3038)
Wednesday 1-3 pm
Contact Person: Jane (0949 808 9266)
Monday 3-5 pm
Thursday / Friday 10-12 nn
Saturday 3-5 pm
Contact Person: Emily (0927 471 3038)
Saturday 10-12 nn
Contact Person: Jane (0949 808 9266)
Wednesday 2-4 pm
Contact Person: Marge (0917 701 8941)
Monday 10-12 nn
Contact Person: Emily (0927 471 3038)
Wednesday 9-11 am
Friday 1-3 pm
Contact Person: Bamba (0929 006 3428)
Tuesday 10-12 nn
Contact Person: Emily (0927 471 3038)
Tuesday 1-3 pm
Friday 10-12 nn
Contact Person: Jane (0949 808 9266)
Tuesday 10-12 nn
Contact Person: Connie (0942 074 6485)
Monday 1-3 pm
Wednesday 4-6 pm
Contact Person: Che (0992 324 8532)
Thursday 1-3 pm
Contact Person: Badet (0998 556 1927) (0917 924 9354)
Tuesday / Thursday 1-3 pm
Contact Person: Mitch (0947 935 7734)
Monday / Friday 1-3 pm
Contact Person: Jane (0949 808 9266)
Wednesday 9-11 am
Contact Person: Jane (0949 808 9266)
Wednesday 8-10 am
Saturday 8-9 am
Contact Person: Jane (0949 808 9266)
Tuesday 3-5 pm
Contact Person: Marge (0917 701 8941)
Note: Schedule may change without prior notice.
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